Attendance & Absence
Welcome to our Attendance & Absence page.

Our aim is to provide a policy and framework which promotes and encourages regular and punctual attendance, in order that pupils have access to full time education and receive their full entitlement provided at Long Knowle Primary School.
We encourage all children to have excellent attendance at Long Knowle
Regular school attendance brings enormous benefits to individual pupils, their families, schools and the community as a whole. Without regular attendance, levels of attainment suffer and opportunities are missed to obtain maximum benefit from education.
Persistent absence and lateness will affect a child’s achievement and progress in school. Comprehensive research shows that there is a direct link between a child’s level of school attendance and their level of school attainment.
As a parent it is your legal responsibility to ensure your child receives a suitable full-time education. It is your responsibility that your child attends school each day and is on time.
Children with attendance less than 96% are identified as a concern if absences are unauthorised.