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School Nurse
Welcome to Long Knowle Parent support page

School Nursing Service
School Nurses offer a service to pupils who attend the 109 schools in Wolverhampton that are State Funded, Academies, Free Schools, Special Schools and other educational establishments including Pupil Referral Units, Re-Entry sites, Educated at Home and the Youth Offending Team (YOT).
The Service has to be flexible and delivered in the most appropriate setting dependent on the needs of the child / young person including schools, homes, youth offending service, primary care and other community based settings. There is some provision of service available all year round at times to suit service users and cover case conferences etc.
The School Nursing Service
The School Nursing Service exists to provide skilled evidence based care and support to all children and young people between 4.5 years and 19 years of age and their families who attend schools in Wolverhampton.
To maintain the physical, social and emotional health of all school aged children to enable them to reach and maintain their full potential and maximise on the educational opportunities available.
To encourage healthier lifestyles in the school population.
To carry out a selective health surveillance programme for reception and year 6 pupils and participate in the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP).
To identify health needs and offer an appropriate response to those needs.
To negotiate and facilitate health promotion within the school and surrounding community in line with local and national targets.
To liaise with parents/carers and school on health issues relating to the school age child.
To support the school aged child and their family whenever possible, at a time of need.
To identify those children who are at risk of being harmed and act accordingly in line with safeguarding policy.
Safeguarding children and young people (in accordance with section 11 of the Children Act)
To liaise with other professionals involved in working with children and their families.
To support education staff when a child has medical needs in school. This is driven by the Healthy Child Programme (2009) and Getting it Right for Children, Young People and Families (2012).                                                                                                          
Each team of School Nurses offers a service to children, parents and school staff within a geographical area in the city. The team is responsible for the assessment of a child’s health needs in specified year groups or by individual request, the development and evaluation of programmes of care for children and young people within their area. They are responsible to their line manager for management/clinical issues.
The School Nurse is a Registered General Nurse who has additional training and experience in child development and specialist areas.
Long Knowle’s School Nurse Team:
You can contact the team on 01902 444531
Mandy Bartlett
Long Knowle Primary School Nurse
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